Tuesday, 29 November 2016

My Family

My Family, except my uncle who lives in another city.

Hello Classmates, today I will talk about pictures that I like the most, well this is one of them, it was taken by my cousin Claudio in 2013, with a selfie-stick, in this picture we was celebrating the aniversary of my grandparents, I like it because the family was almost complete and that was cool because can talk of good memories, joking about other things, is very beautiful be with the people you love most.
My Classmates and I, in the school journey
This is other of the pictures that I like, this is the school journey, of course not all my friends go to this travel, it was an a awesome expirience, we gone to Balneario Camboriu, Brazil, in 2015, this photo show us in te entrance of Beto Carrero Amusment Park, that day was awesome, but the heat it was the only think that I don't like. When we were leaving, suddenly starts to rain, and wea have to ran to the bus, that was awesome and funny to haha, running away from the to no get wet, but it didn't work haha. Brazil was compleatly awesome.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

How I meet my pets

Hello Fellas!!!

Well today I will talk about how my pets came into my life.
I have 2 beautiful pets, they are both dogs, the old one has 15 years old and is a very gorgeous Beagle, she came to my family as a payment, because my father, who is a Veterinarian, attended a dog that just had puppies and one of those puppies was Almendra my dog. When she was young, she was very crazy, in fact she take his leash take a ride by his own haha! She don't stay at home alone, she start to cry and dig a hole in the yard, bites the furnitures. So if we want to go out we have to decive her by keeping the tv on or the radio.

The other dog is called Clotilde, is a
very cute pug, she was adopted because his family couldn't take care of she, cause their childrens was allergic to dogs, well Clotilde have 4 years and counting. She is a compleatly mess, is to crazy and bites everything, and she was kind of dummy too hahaha, and she do the same things that Almendra does. She don't have a own personality hahaha.

Well that's all, I love too much my dogs, I couldn't live without them.